Sunday, October 19, 2008

I' m alone...

[Scholars won’t laugh more than three times]

I must put the alarm

Since I’m alone on the bed

I must learn the atlas

Since I’m alone at the crossroad

I must cart the umbrella

Since I’m alone in the rain

I must perform well

Since I’m alone in the interview

I may stop here

Since I’m alone at the office

I must stop now

Since the securities are “on their position”.


സ്നേഹതീരം said...

Look around ! U r not alone ! :)

മാന്മിഴി.... said...

The strongest man in this world is he who stands most alone.....Don't worry....


സ്നേഹതീരത്തിനും മാന്മിഴിയാളിനും നന്ദി...
Sorry, I would like to say, I disagree with your comments...I wrote the words (I won't say it is a poem) by seeing the life divided into phases. In each and every phase of it, we all are alone by ourself, no one will be there to give even a hand of course.
In "I'm alone" "I" is not myself rather a spokesperson. May be the simple words in the post made you to think that, me having sorrow about something special, isn't it? I would strongly suggest/request you to read the post once again and comment. Thanks, thanks a lot(ഒരു കുട്ട നിറയെ ) :-)

ദീപക് said...

കവിത കൊള്ളാം. ഇനിയും എഴുതൂ ....